In an all-too-typical case of Democratic Party timidity, Senator and former (future?) Presidential candidate John Kerry proposes that the United States have universal health care by 2012. That's right, six years from now, maybe the United States can be like most other developed countries and actually have a decent health care system! Of course, once 2012 does roll around, Kerry and his ilk will probably push the time for universal health care forward another six years or so. Just like Bill Clinton, who had two terms to get these sort of progressive changes in place and basically did little or nothing about it.
This to me is just more proof that the Democrats have nothing to offer but to be slightly less corrupt and useless than the Republicans. And yet they will still tell true progressives that we have to vote for them, lest those supposedly so much worse Republicans will get in.
There is another choice, and it is called the Green Party. But for it to work, enough people have to think outside the two party box and actually vote for Green candidates.