Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Thursday, December 15, 2005

As promised, some more choice quotes from Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing: on the Campaign Trail '72:"

About the 1972 Republican convention: "On the Sunday after the convention, Mike Wallace presided over a CBS-TV roundup 'special' on what happened in Miami, and when he summed it all up in the end-after an hour's worth of fantastically expensive film clips-he dismissed the whole thing as a useless bummer."

"Most of the linear press people seemed to feel the same way. Every midnight, at the end of each session, the Poodle Lounge in the Fontainebleau filled up with sullen journalists who would spend the next three hours moaning at each other about what a goddamn rotten nightmare it was."

Sounds about Par For The Course for Political Conventions in America, at least those of the Democratic and Republican Party variety. Thompson wrote this in 1972 and if anything, the Two Major Parties have gotten much worse since then. The Democrats and Republicans have little to offer but empty suits spewing meaningless gibberish. Which is why I am a member of and supporter of the Green Party of the United States.

Yes, I know...the Greens have little chance of winning any major races at least for the nonce. But I would submit that the country has little chance of any meaningful progressive change with the Demublican/Republicrat One Corporate Party with Two Factions in power.

So you might as well vote Green, because both major parties are Part Of The Problem.


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