Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In today's news...

The poverty rate in the United States went up for the fourth consecutive year. The rich get richer and the poor get more and more screwed in the late capitalist Soviet States of Amerika under the one party Republicrat (also known as Demublican) regime.

Democrats in congress promise to question Supreme Court nominee John Roberts very very vigorously! We will see what we will see, but based on past tendencies I would not expect much from the faction of the One Corporate Party that goes by the name "Democrats." With each passing year and election cycle, this sad charade gets more and more tedious and ridiculous. The Big Two parties might as well be One Corporate Party, as in reality they merely function as two factions of the same party representing the same group of Very Wealthy and Powerful People.


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