Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Monday, September 12, 2005

For the second straight day, one of my favorite football teams lost. On Sunday it was the Green Bay Packers, and their loss to the Detroit Lions was in some ways eerily similar to the Michigan Wolverines' loss to Notre Dame.

In both cases, my teams (Packers and Wolverines) were supposed to have good or even great offenses and suspect at best defenses. In both cases over this past weekend, the defenses played better than expected while the offenses played worse than expected. Even the final scores were almost the same...Notre Dame 17-Michigan 10, Lions 17-Packers 3.

The Packers, like the Wolverines, blew lots of opportunites to score points. The Packers also suffered from some very biased towards Detroit officiating. The Packers ended up with 14 flags to only four for the Lions. Some of these were legitimate pass interference calls on the Green Bay defense, but at least two calls were very questionable and robbed the Packers of scoring chances. One was on a long punt return by Antonio Chatman, the other on a long pass reception by Javon Walker. By the way, Walker is out for the season with an injury suffered on that very play.

These officials are truly either the most incompetent or the most crooked ever. Jeff Triplette, Scott Dawson, Mark Baltz, Jeff Seeman, Duke Carroll, Greg Meyer, and Greg Steed are the names of the idiots who officiated yesterday's game. I hope they are happy with whatever payoff they got from the Lions staff. They should be immediately investigated by the NFL and drummed out of the officiating corps.

As always we will see what we will see...


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