Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Friday, September 02, 2005

On the way to work today, I was for a while behind a pickup truck with the all too common "Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes peeing on something" sticker.

In this case, Calvin was wearing a "USA" ballcap and was peeing on the words "Gas Prices and OPEC."

Typical lumpenprole conservative Amerikkkan ignorance. The driver of the truck in question probably votes for Republicans like George Bush, or at best for might-as-well-be-Republicans like most Democrats. He probably thinks Amerikkkan based corporations like General Motors are wonderful. And so he blames "them A-rabs in OPEC fer keepin' gas prices so high!"

And he and his kind will go off to Vietnam, Cambodia, Central America, Afghanistan, Iraq and send their sons and daughters to do the same...all the while supporting a government (the Amerikkkan one) and a Capitalist System that cares not one bit about them even if its figureheads like Dubbya pretend to.


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