Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Monday, January 23, 2006

Evo Morales, an Indian and socialist, was sworn in yesterday as the president of Bolivia. He is the first indigenous person to hold the office, and he promises to alleviate poverty and resist capitalist "free market" policies which only end up hurting the poor and benefiting the rich and corporate.

This is a great thing, and the Sports Desk wishes President Morales Good Luck as he deals with the various Greedheads and Jackasses that he and his government will likely have to contend with. Which will most likely include the corrupt Ruling Regime of Amerika headed by Gee Dumbya Bush and the rest of the Republicrats and Demublicans (the two factions of the Amerikan Corporate Party).

Speaking of Corporate Corruption and Wrongdoing, Ford Motors is announcing yet more plant closings. At the same time that it is reporting a profit for 2005! And of course, the pathetic corporate puppet governments of the states where the plants are located are scrambling to offer tax breaks and other incentives (read, bribes) in a vain attempt to keep Ford from doing whatever the hell it wants to do anyway. This bullshit never works out well, and what the government should be doing is getting tough with these corporate crooks and greedheads instead of bending over backwards for them.


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