Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Friday, May 26, 2006

Flint, Michigan's Bizarre Dadaist Gibberish Poet is back at it again!

On a partly cloudy late spring day, I strolled the Saginaw Street main business district and found these gems. For earlier postings about this person, see my entries for March 22, 21, and 9 of 2006, February 8 of 2006, and August 5 and 31 of 2005.

Today's Bits O'Craziness include...

In a heart shape, "ALL GOD'S DESIRES ONLY PLEASE! M.F.H.S." I think the initials may stand for Milton Frank Harding SYWYK. I think this because I have a business card with that name and the cryptic initialism "SYWYK" on it that also includes gibberish remarkably similar to that which I find magic markered on the walls of Downtown Flint.

On another building we have the following words, lacking any obvious wisdom or indeed meaning..."CIG! LIGHTER FLINTS SAVE ALL GODS ITS TOO!" Intertwined with "SALE SIGNS WHERE?" Where indeed? Who knows?

Finally, on a vacant building at 600 S. Saginaw..."ALL GODS PRACTICES TO OURS POLICERS ARE WHAT? GALS?" As is often the case with this person, I would answer the question if only I knew what the hell it was supposed to mean.

More of this as I discover it.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger tamiko210 said...

Our office received an entire bag of business cards with the same strange comments and the name (?) of "Milton Frank Harding SYUWYK". They were dropped off by a somewhat bedraggled person for one of our staff members. They had no idea who they were from or why. Very strange. If anyone has any ideas?

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

if it is the same person im thinking of that would be my grandfather you are speaking of. and yes he is somewhat out there ive heard. he has been doin this for a long time. ive met him once when i was younger. i searched him trying to find a little bit more about him. im not too sure about the business cards. i do not appreciate the label thats been giving too him since he is mentally ill. but i do understand the humor of it. but this man does have a family that all reside in flint. although nobody ever knows where he is. so please if you do see this man i ask to just let him do his thing and to not pick fun, however his behavior could turn very ugly if he was tormented. at least ive heard...but please if you happen to see him and know its him make sure he has a nice warm coat on this winter, godbless p.s. this is not email it is a friends


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