Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Friday, August 05, 2005

More High Dadaism in Beautiful Downtown Flint...

I mentioned this in my old blog at Diaryland, and finally got around to looking for this again today. Basically, we have someone (I think it is just one person, because the handwriting always looks about the same) in downtown Flint, Michigan who has taken it upon him/herself to inscribe various cryptic phrases on the various buildings in and around Saginaw Street.

Some of the ones I saw today:
"SYWYKS are also constantly changing things!" (I have no idea what SYWYKS means or stands for...I am assuming it is some kind of initialism but for what is anyone's guess)
"Socialable (is that a real word?) Architects Do What Daily?"
"Policers Tools!"
"Missing on all Ryder signs?" (does this have something to do with the truck rental company...who knows???)
"Architects warnings?"

This same person (I think, based on the handwriting) also attached a manila envelope to a building with the following Bizarre Gibberish:

"The moneyz architects versus it God!"
"Data 911s Policed!"
"Water suppliers problems?"

This person seems to have a particular fixation on architects and police...again, what if anything it all means is difficult to comprehend. This seems to be a true example of Postmodernist High Dada of some kind, in these days of Late Capitalism in America.

More to come later...


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