Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Three Ring Circus Known as the United States Government is going through another bullshit charade, this time regarding the appointment of John Roberts to the Supreme Court to replace the recently croaked William Rehnquist. It is looking like more of the typical, ridiculous spectacle of "politicians throwing stones" to quote one of my favorite Grateful Dead songs.

Neither faction of the One Corporate Party (formed in a merger of the Demublican and Republicrat Parties) seems to be saying anything of any real substance which is par for the course from these clowns.

With each passing year, the Amerikan Government at all levels becomes more and more corrupt, fascist, and useless to anyone and anything but the Worst and the Richest. Nothing but a bunch of empty suits blathering on and on about nothing and desiring nothing but to keep getting re-elected or appointed. Not much different from any other Third World Banana Republic, or Old Soviet Bloc country.

On a related note, I am sending in my annual renewal for membership in the Green Party of Michigan and plan to get more active in attending meetings and so on. This is the one hope that we have, to get involved in alternatives like the Green Party and in efforts to reform the political system such as instant runoff voting and REAL campaign finance reform.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Jerrybear54 said...

Thanks for the replies, but I'd rather have more discussion of the issues rather than what appear to be advertisements for your own businesses or products.


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