Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I am sitting at a computer on the second floor of the Graduate Library at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, looking at today's Michigan Daily for the news of the day.

"Roberts glides toward Senate confirmation" and postmodernist late capitalist Amerika slides further down the pike of Fascism, Corporate Greed, and Rank Stupidity. As I more or less figured, the lame ass Democrats offered only token opposition to Der Fuhrer Dubya's nominee. So tell me again, Dems...why should I or any other TRULY progressive person continue to support your sellout party and vote for your Republican-lite candidates?

The City of Ann Arbor is cracking down on trash in student neighborhoods! I can understand their desire for a tidy city, but is just part of the Collegetown Atmosphere for there to be at least a few student houses littered with beer cans, pizza boxes, and the other flotsam of college student life.

Lynndie England found guilty of prisoner of war abuse at Abu Ghraib...she and other rank and file military personnel may well deserve punishment for this fiasco, but as usual the Amerikan System is only punishing low level personnel and only dealing with symptoms rather than root problems. The real criminals are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, the all too loyal non-opposition Democratic Party, and the rest of the high level officials of the United States Militarist/Capitalist Ruling Class. And the root problems include the delusional thinking that turns Greedy Imperialism into some kind of noble cause.

Meanwhile, hundreds of brave people including Cindy Sheehan rallied outside the Reichstag, oops I mean the White House, in protest of the latest unjust and ridiculous United States war.

The Usual Idiots are at it again in Israel, as Palestinian and Jewish Israeli hardliners launched another round of bombing and killing. As I have said before, this conflict long ago became tedious and ridiculous, with neither side getting much sympathy from me anymore.

That's about all I am inclined to deal with right now...more to come later. As Warren Haynes sometimes likes to sing..."Sometimes to keep it together, you gotta leave it alone!"


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