Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Friday, September 30, 2005

Last evening, I attended a pep rally at the U of M Flint for the upcoming U of M Ann Arbor football game against Michigan State. The featured speaker at the rally was Billy Taylor, a star running back for the Wolverines in the late 60s and early 70s. This was not just any standard rah-rah speech, as Mr. Taylor has an interesting and enlightening story to tell of his own experiences.

After graduating from Michigan, his mother passed away and his career in pro football was not very successful. He ran into trouble with the law and served time in prison. Nevertheless, he furthered his education and became successful in business. Then he lost his job in a company downsizing and once again fell into despair, ending up homeless and addicted to alcohol and drugs.

But once again, Billy Taylor was able to summon up the strength that carried him through his time as a Michigan football player. He has turned his life around, earning a doctorate degree, teaching at the college level, and sharing his experiences with others as a motivational speaker.

It is these things that are truly important, no matter how much we may focus on who won the latest game or championship.

Two lessons that I take from Billy Taylor's story:

1)We all have problems and challenges to deal with...even those of us, like star athletes, who seem to have it all.

2)No matter how far we may fall in life, there is always the opportunity to "Get Back Up!" and try again. "Get Back Up" is, in fact, the title of Billy Taylor's autobiography which I have just started reading.


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