Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

At the university where I work, the student newspaper runs a "Public Safety Blotter" detailing the various situations the campus police and security guards have had to deal with lately. This provides an interesting look at the underside of life in These Late Capitalist Times, with the gory tales of sundry Crooks, Drunks, Morons, and Perverts.

I seem to recall one issue that mentioned a drunk person who tried to apply for a job at the University...somehow I don't think he got one!

Today's issue has several incidents of people panhandling on campus. I have occasionally been approached by people asking me for money and, even on one occasion, for some of my lunch. Perhaps some of these people are just too lazy to get a job but others probably do need help that unfortunately is harder to come by in these days of Republicrat Laissez Faire Capitalism where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get More Screwed.

A stolen car was abandoned on university property...that's not something we are used to seeing every day!


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