Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Friday, October 28, 2005

More Fun and Games In The Middle East, as Iran's hardline president (read: Extremist Moron) participated in a march calling for the destruction of Israel.

Which will, of course, only lead the Israeli Extremist Morons to further overreaction and yet more death and destruction in a part of the world that has seen far too much of both.

I like to believe that there are at least some sane, level headed people among the various ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East, and I am sure there are plenty such people. As is the case here in the United States and probably just about everywhere else as well.

The challenge then is: how do we (whether in Israel, the United States, Iran, or wherever) who really just want to live our lives in peace and tolerance wrest power away from the Shortsighted, the Greedy, and the War Hungry? It will not be easy but it can and must be done. We owe it to ourselves and the generations who will follow us to finally find a way to end war once and for all, and bring about a world based on understanding, cooperation, and respect for differences such as race, gender, religion (or lack thereof) and sexual orientation.


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