Jerrybear54's Sports Desk

politics sports popular culture and assorted postmodernist gibberish

Friday, April 07, 2006

The case for impeaching George W. Bush gets even stronger, as "Scooter" Libby testifies before federal grand jury that Dubya himself gave the green light to "Scooter" to leak classified information to the NY Times in retaliation against a critic of the administration propaganda about Iraq's supposed "weapons of mass destruction."

Furthermore, the Dubya administration is also pushing forward with gross violations of American civil liberties and privacy via wiretapping and other spying.

And so we backslide a bit more towards the Nixon era, with Curious George playing the role of Tricky Dick. They both waged devastating wars of aggression, they both had little concern for civil liberties or fair play, and they were both wholly owned tools of the Capitalist Ruling Class (as has been true of just about every other US president with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter). Nixon was forced to resign under threat of impeachment. There is hope that a similar fate may happen to Boy George. There is plenty of public sentiment for impeachment, and now we will see if congress (including the all too often spineless Democratic Party elected officials) will have the courage to do the right thing and impeach Bush.

Of course, the changes that need to happen are much more deep than just getting rid of one particularly bad president. We need to get better people in general into office, and I think that Green Party candidates are the best choices.


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