On August 5, I posted about the strange, cryptic, well-nigh Dadaist phrases that someone sees fit to periodically inscribe on the various buildings in downtown Flint, Michigan. Many of which are vacant, and also many of which have Potemkin village-style fake facades which I presume was someone's bright idea of how to make downtown look less abandoned and desolate.
There was not much new in the way of this particular graffiti today, and it tends to be quite ephemeral as building owners paint over it.
I did find the phrase "Old Era Nowst" near a glass door emblazoned with the signature of a (possibly defunct) business known as New Era Management and Consultation. Presumably the first two words of the graffito are a reference to the business name, what the word "Nowst" is supposed to mean is anyone's guess.
"Architects Warnings?" still appears on a building on Saginaw Street just one block north of the University of Michigan campus.
Also, on the other side of the street and a block down is "Colour charts for?" complete with British spelling of the first word albeit berift of any obvious meaning.
I also noticed on the Flint Journal's old main building the imprint of lettering which once read "Founded 1883." Not sure why this lettering was removed...has the history of the paper been revised to include a different founding date, or is the Flint Journal simply wanting to efface all traces of history whatsoever?
Strange goings on in old Vehicle City!